Monday, May 10, 2010

The Conduit (Wii)

This game was super hyped as the best shooter the Wii has to offer, with amazing graphics, great online, and fully customizable controls. Even though they met those claims to a degree, the game received okay scores from initial reviews. They said the character models were great, but the scenery was bland, the online play was glitchy, and the controls were to difficult to get just right and other games (Metroid Prime) did better. Well those complaints are all valid when you spend $50 on a game, but what happens when you spend $20.

The Sweet
The weapons in this game are awesome. They have the typical, boring human weapons like machinge guns, pistols, and sniper rifles. The alien weapons on the other hand are awesome. They are very unique and fun to use. Each one feels like you are shooting with an organisms (Laser Cats anyone?).

The Okay
The level design is passable. Most levels are a corridor (hallway, sewer, street) without much open areas. It works, but I would have rather seen more open area.

The Huh?
The All Seeing Eye (ASE) is a strange device. You need it for most puzzles and to find unlockables, but it never feels useful. I think it may be in there just to show off some lighting effects.

The Awful
Enemy AI is bad. Not run into your bullets bad, but unpredictable bad. Sometimes you will mow down through enemies without any trouble. Other times, the enemies become Rambo and are impossible to hit.
Worth a $20
If you enjoy shooters (and specifically Wii FPS) then totally. Even with bland level design and strange AI, the game is still a blast to play. The online is workable as long as you don't get a bad connection in a game (but that can be said about all online).


  1. Hey, just wanted to say this is a great idea for a site and I am exactly the same way with games - I just picked up MadWorld and would be happy to contribute if you're interested.

  2. Anthony, I would love to have contributors. There are so many $20 games out there, that i can't possibly review them all.
